Saturday 21 January 2006


January 2006


How time scurries! When I wrote the second issue, Christmas was just around the corner. We've brushed past New Year and Raya, and now Chinese New Year is right in front beckoning us to just get it over and done with. What a ride of public holidays. And what a teaser season this has been. Unfortunately after all these holidays crammed close together, it will be a lull period until Good Friday in April.
A bit of schmaltz came over me to realize how we have all aged. I have learned not to take things for granted, especially those who have given you many happiness and joy. Hence, the question I will leave all of you today, and which you should ask yourself every now and again is: "Have you hugged your board TODAY?"

Disclaimer: The articles featured here are based on words of mouth and assumptions and no verbal, mental or physical abuse shall be inflicted upon the writer of these articles.

Photo Contributors:
Ripping Desaru - Mick Hoult
Hari Raya Storm - Andi Lim
Yellow Back Smack - Ian Seymour
Pygmy Surfing - Karl Wilcox


Wildboar was dotted with 22 surfers packed rail to rail you had to shoulder your way in just to get to the line up. The spot offered some enjoyable rides (I know some of you begged to differ) until midday when the low tide erased whatever little surfs there were. Balau was messy and Mainpoint were all crazy hollows breaking very close to shore. Mike Lim tucked into a right-hand miniature barrel at a spot off Balau, an experience which he would bring up incessantly up to today. Ian and Ashik drove up full of hope on Boxing Day. However, their faces fell when they saw that all points were practicaly f.l.a.t. by then.

New Year:
A few of us, armed with our camping goodies, boards in tow and big dreams of a memorable 3D2N surf-all-day new year were left high and dry. It was flat. Well, at least at mainpoint. Earlier in the day, the spot off Balau was almost surfable for two hours before the wind messed everything up again. Justin was stoked after one long sick ride amidst the choppy water. On hindsight, the fact that there were no one else apart from the four of us fools hoping for surf really smacked of desperation.

Hari Raya Haji:
This stretch of holiday offered no consolation either. It was sporadic cat-and-dog pour with howling wind to boot for four days straight. The sea was the usual mess that most left by Sunday. Still, Monday saw the desperates: Ajill, Mike and Andi in the water. Giant rain pellets bombarded their faces by 11 AM and they retreated fast to the shore. Shivering and cursing, they stuffed themselves with some bananas for comfort. As all hopes for good rides were dashed by 3PM, Andi and Mike went to town to drown their sorrow in piles of kaya toasts and and pasar malam fares and deep-fried baby squids.

Shame fell upon us when on Tuesday two Oz surfers ripped the messy walls at mainpoint like noone's business, looking everything in the world like two people having fun. We hence decided to pack and head home early.

Sunday, 15 January 2006:
Small. Messy. Oily.

While it took Mike Lim half an hour of paddling to get to the line up on Monday, and the current made the rest of us came out after half an hour of struggle, we would like to say that we are definitely impressed by the sheer determination and dogged desire of Keith Lim. He came, he saw and in he paddled. Come high wall and thick wash, swept by the current, in he still went. He made duckdive upon duckdive upon duckdive. Not twenty, not thirty, not even forty. Keith did an impressive SIXTY-FIVE, I repeat: SIXTYFIVE duckdives to get to the line up. CONGRATULATIONS Keith, for breaking the record for highest number of duckdives at Mainpoint! We really had tremendous fun counting.


Demise of Giant Red Tongue
It used to be an eye-catching bright red 9 footer. A bit on the heavy side and slightly aged. Still you could squeeze some good rides out of it. It passed hand from Ajill to me to Jon and now it has met its destruction. A seemingly harmless Christmas day at mainpoint delivered one hollow sucker that ripped the board 70/30. Jon was saddened. His only hope is for the board to be reshaped to a fish. But to date he is still waiting.

Hari Raya Storm
The storm that day toppled trees which in turn blocked the road going in to the beach. The restaurant hut which we used to frequent at mainpoint was literally blown to the ground. I was almost hoping to see Mike's arms flailing out of the ruin but unfortunately he wasn't there when it happened.

Christmas Drunks
After a bout of festive drinking session, two drunk Johorian males felt the urge to take a swim at mainpoint in the early hour of 6 AM. What came over them, we don't know. Inevitably the two were carried out by the rip into the ocean. One was rescued in time but the other's body was found only much much later. As far as one should feel all sympathetic to these victims and their families, many of us could not fathom what on earth were they thinking when all common sense pointed to "no swimming" and "no playing too far in the sea".
Some had pointed out however, that after a drowning or two, the ocean would give really good surf the following day. Hmmm.

Which brings us to the recently-dug story of

Two years ago Takin, Eric, Mamat and Fandi were wading their way in at Wildboar. A small fishing boat had capsized a day or two ago and the bodies had not been found. As they neared the rocks, Takin's foot kicked into something that "was solid yet not quite a rock". Some bubbles surfaced, followed by a body - all bloated and blackened. The four of them jumped out of the water as fast as they could. As he was recalling this to me, Takin retched uncontrollably upon remembering that fateful finding.

Around that same season, Hazrin reportedly too was wading his way in at mainpoint when his foot stepped on something "that felt really weird". So what did he do? He gritted his teeth, jumped on his board and paddled out.


Happy Belated Birthday
Happy Belated Birthday to Max who turned 38 on 10 January. We pictured him celebrating his big day in Waikiki in his leopard print swimming tights. We wish you belated many happy returns and many happy rides to come, Max!

Cheryl Looking for Tripping Partners
Just back from her two weeks of Cherating, Cheryl still has plenty of annual leave to clear and is looking for partners for surf trip. Interested party please contact Cheryl...

Ian's Pride & Joy
After a long and arduous wait, after countless trips to the mechanic, Ian's Volkswagen combi is now ready. "Yellow Backsmack" is its name. Ian proudly took it to the road last Sunday. "The wind felt real nice on my face," he said. Which we think he meant the wind when he was driving his yellow backsmack with the windows down.

After a month in the land of the big Kahuna where he witnessed some awesome surfs, saw Kelly Slater riding Pipe live, met Tom and friend and posed for some pictures together, Max's back in town. Anyone who'd like to check out his photos, he's got the albums all ready in his giant yellow HIC plastic bag which he has been carrying around with him since last week.

Karlos "even whiter than Ian" is back from his Srilanka trip. On his trip: "Great trip. 10 days surfing a south coast spot, 3-4 ft and only me and the pygmy in the water!" By pygmy he meant Chairmaine, who now resides in Cornwall. That's her ripping winter swells..

Almost everybody's heading up to Cherating, or so it seemed. The exodus started since Tuesday and will continue until weekend, where most plan to stay until the following Tuesday. Some has decided to stay at Desaru though. Hopefully it will be a flat weekend.

Ian and Fity have decided to compete against one another.. to lose weight. Further details will be given out on the official weighing-in day which is presently scheduled to fall on 2 February 2006. Stay tuned.


"The ocean is a woman: demanding, moody, oft a jealous lover. She is a big teaser; just when you expect something, she gives you nothing. And when you're expecting nothing, she's giving you things."
- Mike Lim, offering us his cheesy pearls of wisdom in light of the unpredictability of this season's swell.

"There'll be no wind! The wind will be blocked by the Phillipines!"
- Andi Lim, predicting a no-wind surf day for 14-15 January weekend.

"We are so desperately optimistic. We constantly fool ourselves with false hopes!"
- Mike Lim, in respond to Andi's comment



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